April 18, the first day after spring break, will be an eLearning day for students.
Students WILL NOT report to school.
Grades K5-2
- Students will complete a packet of work at home and return completed work on Tuesday, April 19. In order to be counted present April 18 student work must be turned in by Monday, April 25.
Grades 3-5
- Students will bring Chromebooks and chargers home on Friday, April 8.
- Students will join their teacher on Google Meet from 8:30-12:00 for virtual instruction.
- If your child is not capable of joining virtually, they can still complete the work and be counted present.
- In order to be counted present April 18 student work must be turned in by Monday, April 25.
For details on how to join Google Meet, check out the eLearning Info page: https://hpe.anderson2.org/o/hp...